Saturday, November 15, 2008
I don't know... if we each have a destiny or we're all just floating accidental like on a breeze, I think maybe it's both....maybe both happening at the same time.
Forrest Gump
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ok so I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to talk about all that is happening today.
This morning uneventful, got up with Ray, and got her a quick kiss before she was off to school, oh my gosh it is 10:34 two hours late for my shot....nice huh...Long pause as I take my shot... Ok back!
So what has been going on this week besides my surgery, and a big fight on TV tomorrow night Lesner vs. Couture... I am putting together a photo shoot for a Calendar that Fight Pink is creating. It is called "Faith and Inspiration" Surviving Mothers of Breast Cancer. So the shoot will be in my home, we have our amazing photographer, Edison Graff taking the pictures, he will be setting up a studio here in the early morning, and we will be having a make up artist or two from MAC to be here, and 12 women and thier children. We have women who are breast cancer survivors, as well as their mothers being survivors, and their children being here as well. I am so excited about this project, and the women are so amazing!
Nevada Cancer Institute is helping us by supplying the women for the Calendar, and we will be donating a portion of the proceedes to NVCI! So that is so exciting his is on the 22nd. I am helping a friend with a CV, working on the supply chain business, setting appointments for the photoshoot, working on the calendar set up with Dennis, and all the while I feel, (and Christina I'm stealing this one from you) like a big gummed up ball of mess under the table waiting for someone to just come and scrape me off!
I love that.... I wish I could just relax and read, and just sit...but if I do.. I go crazee.....crazier than i normally am. I must do something with my mind. No, and I don't mean drug it to relax.. I mean I have to be thinking and dreaming and planning and doing. I spoke to my Dad last evening, and he said to me...and I think maybe it was a complement: " It's funny, you do things." Ok....I said... he was like, "you decide on doing something, and you make it happen." Like the calendar project. I guess, isn't that how life is though. You make decisions, or choices...and do it. Hmmm.. I would think so.
Berto just came in and layed with me sweet, and just informed me of his plans for his life. He wants to be a pharmacist. Why a Pharmacist? He says he wants to do it, he is going to create a goal chart, and he wants to have a new truck next year, and he will graduate in March...then he wants to go to Paramedic School, starting in the summer!
Ok my dad is coming over to bring me lunch, how sweet. I have been on the phone, and now I am going to take a shower...and then finish up the Fight Pink confirmation of everything for the Photo shoot...
Talk later..
Hello my family and friends....
I sit here typing and feeling much better so here is how my surgery went:
It went well.
LOL....ok details
Why did we have this LAST surgery, well the reconstruction process is a bit longer than I thought in the beginning which was hmmmm....May. 6 months. I actually am done with surgeries on the boobie. I'm tired of surgery.
I really don't think that this is going to be a funny post, I just got off of the phone with Lori, and we were laughing, laughing about her "sale"...she has an 80% off sale of her expectations for men... Someone who laughs, I guess is "expecting too much" she was told, so she has lowered her expectations. Anyway... we were laughin about that.
Love the drive thru have I told you that lately? What a great invention, you don't have to get out of the car, you just sit and speak to a box, (with the exception of McDonalds who offers "face to face" service") and you ever notice that Starbucks have a camera at their drive-thru's...they do, next time take a look and smile. I am not sure how fair that is, because when you think about it being on the other side of a camera and the person being filmed does not know it, many funnny and strange things I am sure they see. Anyway. Back to Drive-thru's. So you have your drive thru Dry cleaners, your Drive thru ATM's and Banks, your drive thru coffee places, your drive thru fast food, and even drive thru movie, and markets!
My favorite drive thru though has to be drive thru surgery. Now I wonder and this is me thinking out loud, do they (they meaning insurance companies) want you out of the hospital quicker because: A- Less money to pay out for staying the night after a procedure or B- Less money to pay out for staying the night after a procedure, and the increased RISK of catching some ungodly infection like MERSA? I'm thinking they would rather get you out to save money, but also because they would rather you be in your own home setting where your body is used to the germs in your own home, and your risk of infection probably is 80% (no scientific study here) lessened in your own home.
So...when I had my Drive-thru this past week, while I was being questioned by the nurse before surgery:
"Do you feel safe in my home environment?"
"Yes, with a cast iron frying pan in my hand."
She looked at me with a smirk.
"Do you feel safe in your home?
"Yes" I said, so she could get on with the survey... she checked her little box and went onto the next question.
"Do you ever think of hurting yourself?"
I answered, "When I'm perched on my hot tile roof with the pigeons we discuss this in detail." So my answer was Yes!
(she politely looked around and whispered to me)
"You can't say that, Dr. Earl frowns on doing surgery on pre-suicidal patients",
So she asked me again with a straight face,
"Do you ever think of hurting yourself?"
"Are you asking me to lie, ohhhhhh I get it now... No...never ever, not even once, not even this morning on my way here...after my roof top discussions with the pigeons!" (I had to say goodbye, and they wished me well... see former pigeon posts if you don't get this).
So done with the questions, she was soooo happy about that... and wheeled into the op room, talked the talk with my doc, he's great, and then went to sleep... The surgery was pretty uneventful except for the fact that it lasted 2 1/2 hours instead of 1 1/2 hours and they decided not to catheterize me,(so I don't go number 1 while I am asleep) because they didn't think they would need the extra hour, and body wasn't too happy with thanks I don't need the panties back. I have panties that I wear to the hospital, that I would be caught dead a hospital, but not out in the street. Wore hospital panties to the hospital, not my "normal" pretty everyday panties. And girls, yes you all know what I am talking about. Us women we have it covered when it comes to the panties!
(Definition of Hospital panties= Panties that you would be caught dead in, only in a Hospital setting, not ones that you would wear and get into an accident with, because those are everyday pretty panties, that you would wear, if you weren't expecting to go to the hospital. Understand..... Women get this...and are laughing, men....are skimming through this part with a puzzled look on their face, or just skipping this part all together)
Woke up and was a little wet and cold, and needed explaining why I was wet. Got the answer, asked for my clothes went to the bathroom washed up, got dressed and got into the wheel chair and wanted to go home!
Rob and Ray picked me up, (yes I actually think they went to the house while I was in surgery), remember the doctor saying, "I didn't see anyone in the waiting room", I am sure they stepped out for a snack, right at the time the doctor came out ....isn't that how it always happens. Came home, came up stairs and slept.
I don't remember much, but Rob was here and his mother came over to see how I was, and I was like hmmmm...anyway that was nice of her. Rob made hamburgers for the kids, and Boo brought one up for me for dinner, and I looked at her like: "Are you kidding me" I could barely talk, my throat was raw from being intubated, and I do remember them taking the tube out this time, and it wasn't fun. Poor Boo, she was so happy to bring me the hamburger, I smiled took a bite, as she sat plopped at the end of the bed with a big smile on her face. I tried to swallow the small bite of hamburger, which at this point was like swallowing Glass...dry throat, and sore from the tube....argh! One bite, and I was done....
Do we have any soup? Hamburger after surgery.....Hmmmm. I don't think so. Plus your body after surgery slows down quite a bit, meaning your digestive track...If I ate that whole hamburger It would have stayed in my gut for a year! No...just liquids.
I am feeling better, still a bit sick to my stomach, but I am ok. My surgery looks good, infact I am very happy with the results. I would say now, it looks good. Six weeks of wearing a bra morning, noon, and night. Lotsa, Lotsa stitches on the inside..but that is ok, my plastic surgeon is a great artist so I am lucky.
So on a scale from 1 to 10 for this episode of "Hamburger after Surgery"...straight shot in the middle. A 5. The 5 meaning not a 2 like the last surgery, and not a 100 like the 2nd surgery. This one is a 5, I can live with a 5.
So this is day 205....Wow gettin up there huh... tomorrow I will write more, about everything going on with Fight Pink, and the photo shoot, and all that!
Love u all...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'ts been a great weekend, had fun on Halloween and the kids had a great time too!
Been working like crazy with Catera (my supply chain consulting business) big meeting on Friday, basically scoping out the next year with the partners we are picking up! I am really looking forward to it!
Fight Pink, is keeping me us so busy, that it is basically a full time job in itself, worked all weekend. We are moving so fast, and growing so fast which is good. Our team is amazing, our marketing team is awesome and I can't thank them enough for their support! We have some events planned in the next couple of weeks, and sometimes I wish that I could just be split into 5! is election day Looking forward to seeing who will be our next President!
Talk soon!