Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So I was wondering about what is going on in this crazee world? The weather is crazy, and I think that I am going to start keeping a diary of all the crazy stuff that goes on in this planet...maybe only for a month...just a thought.

I have been feeling super achey for the past few days, and I am trying to figure that one out as well. I go to the rhumetologist on Friday morning which is good, and I can then get the answers to my blood test.

Oh I have to go for my annual exam again...argh...I have to keep up with that because of the whole Breast cancer/Ovarian cancer/Cervical cancer link. What a nice thing..huh? Wait.....you don't get just one of these diseases if you act fast we will throw in another one absolutely FREE! WoW.... Yea..that is the BRCA 1 or 2 Gene.

OH...come on now!!! That is so not fair! So Yes...I will go and get my wonderful PAP...and then That will be fine so I can breathe again...OH..but then Guess what??

I do have to go for my next Breast MRI. UGH..I do not like going to that! Last time I went was in November. Then I had to have another Biopsy in December. That one came back clear! STAY AWAY from my Boobies Please!

I would like to just skip around going to that one...but alas...that would be remiss..

So I will ask for my injection to make me relax...because last time I forgot, and I thought I was all "cool" and I can do this without drugs right? NOPE...freaked out when I was in the "TUBE"...no not the London Tube which is very cramped but I would rather be cramped in the London Tube not in the Nevada Cancer Institute Tube. And another question??? Who the hell invented the MRI machine? It is one noisey Mother! I mean honestly I think it actually speaks to you while it is going ...nya nya nya nya nya nya nya...Then you hear wee wee wee wee wee wee..then chk chk chk chk chk..then I swear it starts saying...Ha ha ha ha ha I have you in here...and you can't move! How do you like being in this tube which is much like being buried alive! Yes ALIVEW (evil hiss) Mua HA hA ha ha!

Ya..don't like it much can you tell?? So I will call my Onco today, and get my MRI set up.

Ok...I am outta here!


Friday, March 20, 2009


Hi... Ya Ya .. I know the whole I will write at least 3 times a week...doesn't work very well.

It's a very nice day here in Vegas. So I am thankful for that for sure.

Been really busy with Fight Pink

Been having good and bad days with the way I am feeling....

Not in a great writing mood

Today is Berto's 18th birthday.. WOW...already 18 that means I'm so old..and when the baby is born in October..Jeeze..I am really going to be old.

I guess getting older is a good thing.. It beats the alternative!

I am excited to see some movies that just came out...

1. Twilight is on DVD tomorrow! Whooooo!
2. Knowing with Nicholas Cage- OH I just read the review it gets 1 star out of 4...but I love Nicholas Cage..so will still go and see it!

Might see it next weekend... We will see..

Here is the movie trailer!



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