Friday, June 13, 2008
Hi everyone! Drove down to California with my kids yesterday. So I can't drive that well yet, but still can drive ok. My oldest drove the whole way, I sat up front, Berto and Chris were in the second row of seats and then my little one sat in the way back. The trip was essentially uneventful, except right before we left while driving throught the drive through of Starbucks, my kids were fighting. Now picture this: Amanda driving and ordering the drinks, but Berto wanted to pay and get his drinks, so he is in the back seat. So she orders and pulls up to pay, but Berto says to pull forward and he would pay. So both windows are down, the Starbucks attendant is waiting with an outstretched hand for the cash, and Amanda is yelling "give me the money dumb a**", and he says "pull the car forward you idiot" so as I look at the Starbucks attendant, I say: " I am just the mother of these two, a mother of a dumb A** and an Idiot", and he said without missing a beat, Lucky You! LMAO....(lauging my A** off.)
Ok so that was before we even got on the road. The drive was basically pleasant until the last hour. We stopped a few times to run around the car and use the restroom, but the last hour, I would have rather been a hood ornament at that point. Bugs in the teeth and all! Berto (who by the way is almost 18) is screeching in the back seat that he needs to go to the restroom, we have basically 3 exits until we get off of the freeway, and Amanda won't pull over, he says fine I'm still going to go to the restroom. He promptly pulls out his Gatorade bottle gulps down the remaining blue liquid and proceedes to use it as a portable urinal. is a liter and a half bottle and yep he almost filled it up which he proudly displays to the whole car. My little one is in the back seat, retching....Chris is laughing so hard he can't even contain himself and Boo and I are just....well if we could get any closer to the front windshield, we would actually be part of it, while basically screeching so loud that even the dogs are wincing.
And you wonder why? But he was so proud! As he holds it up and says look a new flavour, you think if I just put it in the fridge someone would drink it? Uh no... because everyone who would, is in the car and saw where the new flavour of Gatorade came from...yes everyone, I am not joking, I really don't make this stuff up...and again as I pinch myself hard and my life!
So we pulled off the freeway, got to our destination and thank rid of the new flavour of Gatorade!
But wait...the fun isn't's ten o'clock and I get a call from Rob and he also is screeching in an unrecognizable high pitched voice.....he's watching the dogs and once again they dug to china...and there is water in the yard everywhere. He worked all day, went to softball, got to the house at 10pm and low and behold...a tsunami was in the backyard. Can you spell F-R-E-E-W-A-Y? Could have taken care of them for ya...SO while he was cleaning up and picking up the dog house to throw in the yard (with an 120lb beast still inside) he slipped and fell...he only has one least one good leg...torn ACL in the scheduled for the 24th....and you wonder why he would attempt to shotput a dog house with a dog in it across the yard? Hmmm. don't quite get that...
I spoke to him a short while later, he was looking for valium in the house....well I'm no idiot...the little blue pills are with me...I was the one going on a road trip with the kids remember...they are in my Pez dispenser..not taking any chances there... nope! So he just settled for some benedryl...and ice on the knee..and I didn't hear from him again...
(There are no actors, There is no script...this is my life!)
Love everyone...