Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's Valentines Day... And boy have I had some conversations today. It started this morning with a call from my mom...she is so sweet, and always so worried about me. We had a funny conversation..and she was telling me all about her neighbor who was crying because her husband doesn't believe in Valentines Day. Honestly..what man does? The men, actually think Geeze..I have to go and get flowers or a card, or something else...I was in the line at Sam's club an I saw a man holding flowers...he looked a bit hurried, because it was about 5:30..and I wondered what was going on in his head.

He was in line at Sam's club...getting a bouquet of flowers...I kinda felt sorry for him. He looked goofy to me. I'm not judging, no not at all, just stating the facts. I could tell that he was not at all comfortable with his purchase. Like if he was getting a DVD of "Saving Private Ryan" or the whole 5th season of "South Park" he would have looked much more comfortable with his purchase. He was thinking... " I hope these are good enough." "Are these good enough?" "SHIT..what if she doesn't like them?" He was looking at every flower, and smelling them and then looking again... The poor soul. All of this for a bouquet of flowers that will be put into water, then be thrown out in the trash with the empty milk carton, and the empty box of cereal.

All of that...just to give someone flowers. I stared at him a bit more..(out of the corner of my eye...I'm not a stalker!) I then started to feel good for him. Good that he took the time out of his day to just pick up a bouquet of flowers from Sam's Club. Then I though that the woman who was to get those flowers..was actually lucky that he took the time to go to a where house superstore to get flowers! People were selling all kinds of flowers on the street, bears..candy.

So as I checked out of the market...I watched him smile...say thank you..and then turn for the door.. Happy with his purchase. Happy to make someone else happy. I guess that's all that really matters. Just as long as you are happy! Because, Life's to short to be anything but happy!



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