Sunday, September 21, 2008
Ya Ya Ya I know it's been a while.
Have to have surgery again! Argh.... Some complications with the implant, it is just movin around a bit too much...and not making me a happy girl!
Dr. said that that could happen...oh well we get er' about a month I guess, we haven't talked about that yet.
Oh having memory issues, repeating the same thing over and over, and forgetting things... STRESS...or too much going on, who knows..... My oncologist says he will do some further studies....
So we will see there...
Funny story:
Out front watering the lawn and rocks and cactus with Ray...and I got her all soaking wet, and she was like coming out of a pool, we were laughing so hard, and all of the sudden she puts her face in her shirt, but you can see her eyes....and she says while breathing heavy..."Luke I am your father"... I just about fell on my butt right there... I laughed so sounded just like Darth Vader....
Then she was like doing it again saying "Stacy, I am your daughter...."
Sometimes I have no idea how she comes up with these things...but God love her! Yes, sometimes I can be funny, but jeeze she is hillarious! I mean Soooooo funny.
Ok..I will write more later....
I'm doing good, busy which is good..personal life getting better! Yay!..
Brain is workin hard, body resting a bit... oh not the super blondie anymore..put some brown in my says it makes me look younger....LOL isn't that what you say to all women when they ask "How do I look?" and I told her so....she laughed... 6 days till her fight........WOW... exciting!
Love you all..