Thursday, December 4, 2008
Well it is that time again... I am scheduled for my follow up MRI. This is the Breast Cone MRI with Contrast. I'm good with it, I'm actually 2 months late, but I was a little busy with my surgeries the past few months. I'm wonderfully happy about how everything turned out, only because I really don't have a choice but to be happy because I won't do another surgery. Done!
Funny story...called to schedule the MRI, but it wasn't ordered by my Oncologist yet. So they transfered me up to his nurse. While I listened to her voice mail message, (the poor dear) I was looking around my desk for some sharp object to jab into my would have been less painful. Her message was very slow, like it was on the S-L-O-W motion tour! Me with my ADD, I was literally in another planet on her second what do you think I did? Yea, I hung up. Promptly emailed my doctor: ORDER MY MRI...I WANT MY MRI... that was the subject line of the email, the body of the email...was funny basically telling him that his nurses voice put me in a state of frenzy...
Well doing my MRI and hopefully everything comes out clean... and picture perfect.
I do believe it will... I will keep you posted of course!
Ok... I'm busy doing all kinds of I will go now... talk to you later!