Tuesday, January 6, 2009

SO...I wrote a letter to President Elect Obama... I wanted to post it here..it is about survival, not only as a breast cancer survivor, but as a nation.

What does this inauguration mean to me?

By Stacy

In today's economic turmoil it is important, no, it is imperative that American's know that our Leaders of this great nation are in touch with the people. As we all well know, history repeats itself. Today, as I sit here in my home, I reflect on the situations that many people here in Nevada and throughout this great nation are enduring. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 9 months ago, and because of that I have learned a great deal about surviving, not only to live your life, but the actual realization of the innate ability to survive and your survival instinct.

Due to my health, I have not been able to do as much as I used to do. While staying at home recovering I started a non profit organization, to help Breast cancer survivors, co-survivors and anyone interested in learning about Breast Cancer. I have met many amazing people across this great nation, including other survivors, husbands of victims, and physicians who are helping Fight Pink with our vision, by sharing their books, stories of survival, heartache, and faith. I have had so many tough challenges to overcome in the last 9 months, but never gave up, never stopped being a survivor, I choose to survive.

To survive in the economic turmoil of today, not only within our borders, but on the Global stage is and will continue to be the up most important task of your administration. What has caused this economic downfall? There is certainly more than one cause. We can blame the mortgage industry, we can blame the War on Terror, we can blame oil prices, free trade, and we can blame each other until we are blue in the face, but what we need now is action.

I spoke of History repeating it self? Let's look at the great depression. It was caused by investors selling off 16 million shares of stock because they had lost faith in the American Economy. Can it happen again? I do believe so. It will not happen in one day that we call "Black Thursday", it will happen gradually as it is happening now, every day. Every day Americans thoughts are shifting, their minds are searching for an answer. Their minds are fearing the collapse of not only America's economy but a Global ripple that will be caused by the inability of our great Nation to rise above and become a survivor.

What became of America after the Great Depression? In 1932 we elected a new President, Franklin D. Roosevelt. He created the "New Deal." We need a "New Deal" Mr. President-elect Obama, one that will create closeness between the government and the people. It has been 76 years since the "New Deal" and we must create an America that will not continue to test each and every American life, doubt our abilities and our values and cause us to despair. We need to survive as a Nation, emerge stronger and give Americans that glimmer of hope, and renew our faith in America and its political and economic systems.

You are tasked to not only bring together the people of this United States of America, Mr. President-elect Obama, but what you do will impact the world on a Global Level. You will be looked at under the microscope, not because of the color of your skin, but because of the content of your character. The word Character, it defines who you are. Taking the words from the great Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. above, shows you how much we have already overcome. It shows you how amazing people of this great nation are, and how ONE person can make a difference. I am looking forward to your administration, to your NEW DEAL, we understand that it won't be done over night, but we know that it will be done.

I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our school district is one of the worse in this great Nation. We have up to a 50% high school drop out rate. I am very concerned with the future of not only our state but of the state of education in general.

I touched upon Education because without education, we have nothing. You and Michelle were in Africa, you went inside the CDC's traveling HIV testing unit, and got tested for HIV. You showed the people of Africa not to fear, but to know. It's about educating our children, it's about re-educating the masses on your plan, your ability to assemble the best minds in the country in your Administration to advise you and lead this nation into the future. We need new economic programs, new "Alphabet Agencies," new hope and a new relationship of trust, not turmoil, patience, not persecution and a Federal Government that takes on these responsibilities for the welfare of the people of this great Nation, a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

Study history, Mr. President-elect Obama, become a pioneer, not a maverick. Be humble as you are. Have faith in the great people of this Nation, the great people that started this nation. Within the Gettysburg address President Lincoln said it best: "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."

He was talking about the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here in this great Nation on a battlefield, well today we have a different battlefield, and it is a different fight. He spoke of dedication to unfinished work, and great tasks remaining before us. He spoke of freedom, a new birth of freedom. You speak of a new birth of Change.

We look forward to your Administration. I will tell you this, I am concerned about this country, because I love this country. I am concerned about the lack of communication from our previous administration, and I look forward to your promise to communicate with us however painful. To educate us, enable us, and inform us on what the future America will be.

As I said, I am a survivor, a Breast Cancer survivor at only 42 years young. I started a non-profit organization Fightpink.org with my oldest daughter while recovering, and know that If I can overcome loosing many things this past nine months, along with my breast, my dignity as a woman and I am just ONE person in this great country, imagine all the people of this great nation with this innate ability to survive.

We are here, and we stand strong, and we believe in you and your ability to lead us.

Thank you for your time Mr. President-elect Obama, and my God Bless you and guide you on your Journey.


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