Monday, January 12, 2009


Today is Monday...and the middle of January almost already. I swear I don't know where the time goes. Had a quiet weekend went to some friends house this weekend and played some board games...they were so funny. Came home and played the games with the kids... Scattagories it is called. Such a funny game, and it makes your head think.

So there is this "so-called" dice that has letters on it. You roll the die, and what ever letter it comes upon that is the letter that all of your answers must have in it. Then you have a card that has 12 different phrases.

So if you rolled an S all answers must be an S. So an example:

1. Fictional Characters --- Simon Says
2. Menu Items --- Spaghetti
3. Magazines --- Shape
4. Capitals --- St. Louis
5. Kinds of Candy --- Snickers
6. Items you save up to buy--- Shoes
7. Footwear --- Socks
8. Something you keep hidden--- Secrets
9. Items in a suitcase --- Shirts
10. Things with Tails --- shrew
11. Sports equipment --- Softball
12. Crimes --- Serial Robber

You only have 3 minutes and if your answer matches another persons both do not get the point! It was so fun... we laughed and laughed.. Berto came up with the most crazy answers, and challenged us to find him not right... but we would let him get away with some of them.... One of his answers was for a capital- Shazakistan... we were like NO WAY...but he was so adimant... funny!

Anyway that was it... just relaxed did all the normal daily grind...wanted to get to the movies...but that didn't happen..

Take it easy..... Stacy


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