Friday, May 2, 2008

The key to balancing your desire to be at peace with your everyday existence and everyday life is recognizing that there is no such things as stress; there are only people thinking stressful thoughts... It's really as simple as that. When you change the way you process the world, the world you're processing changes.

Stress is an inside job. It's what you create to cope I guess. But stress isn't something that you can see, or touch or buy or's all in your mind.

It's oppisite of what you believe or feel a thing or situation should be. It is something that goes against your grain, your expectations. And you create it.

So in learning about this new journey that I am starting, I know that at times I may want to run away, or hide or cry and it is all ok...but I must remember to balance those thoughts with the knowing that this is something I must endure, and live through...and know that I will be ok..

I wrote this for a friend...and I loved it...and I now know what practice what you preach means.....

Everyone has down days…so one small gentle step at a time…when I am really down, a little here, a little there…I will be ok…God never intended for people to cry alone, and is always close to those whose hearts are broken……and know that one day the pain of this world will be behind me. Until then, I won't waste the pain that comes my way… I will learn from it. Embrace it with one hand while holding tightly to God and whomever you I choose with the other.



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