Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hi I was wondering how hard is it for you all to read my inner most feelings and stresses and pain...I bet it is that is why I asked if you don't want to have me update you...let me know..
I layed in the bathtub last night until I actually lost weight..because I was in there for about 2 hours... kept draining the water and adding more and the funny thing is I didn't even have to move. I just unplugged the tub with my toes..then turned on the hot water with my foot and shut it off. Amanda kept coming in and checking on me..berto too..who walks in with his eyes covered..that is so funny. Berto's friend Nicky came in too she sat on the tuffett and showed me her pictures from her prom that she went to in New York...I covered up my girly bits with bubbles and a shirt..So I am soaking in the tub with a shirt and a parade of people coming in and out.
Bella the puppers came in too...she was licking my arm and then licking my face...ugh...Berto came in again to complain that his girlfriend and he were fighting and he didn't know what to do...Ray came bouncing in after she was at her girfriends house for dinner...Rob came over and yelled about Berto's ticket and then came in later to apologise, but by that time I was crying...
My phone kept ringing...I guess I should have shut it off..talked to my uncle..and jason my cousin who have been so wonderful to me..talked to Lori at least three times she was making sure I was still above water...talked to Janine, and Sharon and my mom...just everyone who is so kind to take the time to talk with me.
So my little bubble bath lasted hours with a parade of people coming in and on the phone and all I have to say is i'm lucky and i'm thankful...
Love to all...