Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hello friends and family !

My surgery is set for this friday...so I am a a little nervous and then excited because I will no longer have the little nasty bad cells in my breast anymore. We don't know yet exactly what we are going to do in regards to the actual surgery...i will find out that tomorrow at the doctors office. Looks like I do not have clear margins around the dcis, about 5cm worth of "suspicious tissue" ugh so we will see what the actual procedure will be. Since I am larger than the average girl in breast size, I was told "this is to your advantage" so if they do have to take more than they thought I should be able to keep the boobie...we will find out tomorrow...

Am I scared? In sorting out my feelings, I would say that I have grown very fond and attached to my boobies...yes they are mine and I love them. The thought of maybe loosing one is not a happy thought and I think of all of the times I would say 'gosh if I only had smaller boobs' well....sometimes be careful for what you wish for...

Again this is my journey, whether I like it or not. So tomorrow I meet with my surgeon, and hopefully she will have a plastic surgeon in the op room just in case. i already talked with my oncologist and he said they tend to go with 'breast conservation' surgery than mastectomy because the breast conservation with radiation follow up is basically the same survival rate as mastectomy. See if I choose to have a mastectomy then no radiation for me...just cut and be done. Not something I want to do...

This is so crazy I will tell you. Today at my Oncologists office, which is a 140,000 square foot research facility that also has radiation, and chemo, and a cafe, and a store called illuminations and a library which is so great with computers to look things up. Everyone there is so unbelievably nice. Anyway today is "LiveStrong" day. Lance Armstrong has a non-profit call LiveStrong...and they are having a ceremony at 12:30 with the mayor of Las Vegas, and refreshments, and you can get your yellow bracelet...it is supposed to be fun. I thought that I would go...I asked Rob to go but he said no... So I might bring one of my older kids with me. Since that place will be my home away from home for the next 2 months I might as well get used to it.

Have to go to the hospital tomorrow for my pre-op as well. Just to get all of the blood work done etc, oh I better water up for the next couple of days to be super hydrated, so we don't have to go through the multiple sticks etc.

I will touch base tomorrow, let everyone know what the 'plan' is...Love to all..and thank you for your prayers, and YoYo..thank you so much for my mothers day card..I laughed my butt off and cried too! Yes, who'll never forget all the weird and wonderful stuff we've weathered over the years! I love you girl!



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