Wednesday, May 14, 2008 surgery on Friday as planned....but I will have surgery on Tuesday at 12:30 for another MRI...this one is an MRI guided biopsy to check if the DCIS is in fact DCIS...which is Ductal Carcinoma In could be more DCIS..or it could be scar tissue from my previous Lumpectomy...or it could be invasive carcinoma..So of the three...hmmm. lets see I choose scar tissue...

So my next appointment is with a plastic surgeon on Friday morning...I will be discussing my options if I want to have a mastectomy...on the bad boobie..and actually I think that it may be my only option, why??? Because the site is actually pretty large of the bad tissue and if I had it removed I would not have a pretty boobie, which is important to me...and then I would have to undergo radio therapy (radiation). So if i choose the mastectomy then they would just go in and then take out the whole boobie and put in an expander under my muscle and it would look like a real boob. They even keep your nipple my doctor said as long as it is cancer free. Then in a couple of months the doctor would then put in the actual implant...

Wow how much fun is this! If I had the mastectomy then no radiation....I hear...but wait..if it is in your lymph nodes, which they will biopsy once I do the actual surgery..then radiation and you guessed it CHEMO! WOW...that will be so much fun! Can you tell that I'm a bit pissy!

Now this is what I have to think of...we want the next biopsy on Tuesday to only show DCIS, or scar tissue..not invasive carcinoma...(which could be a posibility because I stole my chart and read it). Then my options are this: Decide to get the lumpectomy and have a deformed boobie, because they don't do implants with lumpectomies...and then weeks of radiation... OR Get a mastectomy keep my nipple or not depending on cancer which I won't know until the actual surgery, and not have to do radiation..unless it is in my lymph nodes, which we won't know again until after my surgery....

But wait....another thought should I do the other breast at the same time...double mastectomy! That was another option brought up by my surgeon today...Ayy why not..then I will have a matching set of twins...not one fake one and one real one..

Oh my gosh...I can't even begin to digest all of this information...Boo tells me that I smell sick...when she hugs me she says I smell sick..I shower daily, I use perfume and I use deoderant...not sure what that means except I remember Sharon Osborne (Ozzy Osborne's wife) talking and saying that her daughter told her that she smelled sick and she had colon's that sixth sense...

So next week we will find out after my biopsy #2 if we have invasive carcinoma or it is just DCIS or scar tissue...

My thoughts....I think that it is more than DCIS...I don't want it to be...but that might explain some things... We will see and hopefully my sixth sense is a bit skewed!

I will probably opt for the mastectomy..just because I don't want this to come back...will I do both boobies so I can have a perfect set of twins? Not sure, although I always did want twins...until I had my son....everyone can understand that comment...i love him to death...but one of him is more than the world can take!

I love you all....I will keep you up to date!



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