Monday, May 19, 2008

Do you believe that everything that has happened in your life previous to this present day prepares you for the challenges that come your way? I was talking with a friend of mine this morning and I think that for me at life has not always been that easy, some people are fortunate that they have the "Beaver Cleaver" life and I wonder in my mind if that is fortunate really?

So I lost my bio-father at an early age (5) and that was hard, and I knew him only a little bit but really it is like you always have to say "my dad died when I was little". My mother was not a really happy person when I was growing up, and that was hard to deal with as a kid. There were many rough years..many of them I spent strugging emotionally.

At the age of 18 I was on my own..struggling..going to school and working and just surviving..

I realized something today that for me at least life has thrown me some hard curve balls, and I swung..I may have missed a few...but for sure some of them I hit out of the park. This curve ball...this pretty pink curve ball that is coming my way...I'm going to hit this one out of the park and into orbit!

I'm going to share my story, all of my fears, all of my triumphs and set backs and If I help just one person..I will have completed my mission.

Every story that I so different...we are all sisters in breast cancer....but the stories are all different. I learn something everyday, something that I cherish, and keep for me and hold close to my soul.

I spoke to my sister-in-law Kim this morning she is just so sweet, and shared a story with me about a friend of her's who had gone through this as well..I will say something really at least I have a cancer that has a wide net of support. I thank God for that..



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